Our Downtown Manchester Scarecrows
Downtown Manchester has played host to a yearly scarecrow festival. The following scarecrows are our music-themed designs over the years.
The Mad Conductor
The Mad Conductor was created using a cello body, a violin body, two flute lyres for arms, marching band gloves, saxophone pad eyes, guitar string hair, a violin shoulder pad mouth, and a conductor's baton.
Willie Nelson - Farm-Aid Hero
This legendary musician was our choice for the 2021 scarecrow theme of "Heroes". Willie has been instrumental in raising awareness about family farmers, good food, soil and water, and strong communities. This scarecrow was a departure from our normal "instrument-centric" designs, but features a re-used instrument as "Trigger," Willie's trusty guitar sidekick.
Music Man Chester
For the 2022 theme of "all things Manchester," we created Music Man Chester. With a violin head, guitar string hair, saxophone pad eyes, violin bridge eyebrows, viola tailpiece nose, harmonica mouth, trombone arms and legs, a cello body, a tambourine, and a conductor's baton; this scarecrow highlights local arts groups, locations, and events on a piano-themed wardrobe.
Wonderful World
This aspiring trumpeter dreams of becoming the next Louis Armstrong. We hope all music students will think to themselves: "What a wonderful world!" Obviously, this piece uses a trumpet, but the structure is also comprised of lots of instrument packing, guitar strings, and miscellaneous brass bits and pieces.